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The Importance of Early Intervention: Chiropractic Care for Infant Torticollis
Dr. Donald Thigpen, D.C.
 // April 27, 2023

The Importance of Early Intervention: Chiropractic Care for Infant Torticollis

Image of a baby boy lying on a bed.

If your baby's head always appears cocked at an angle, you may be looking at common conditions known as torticollis. Newborns who develop this issue either before, during, or after delivery may suffer from a variety of problems, from neck pain and fussiness to feeding issues and developmental delays. Fortunately, early intervention through chiropractic care can safely correct the condition, restoring your baby's comfort and optimizing physical function. This post should help you understand infant torticollis's features, complications, and all-natural solutions.

What Is Infant Torticollis?

Torticollis gets its name from the Latin phrase for "twisted neck." you may also hear it referred to as "wry neck." Children with this condition tend to hold their heads at an angle instead of displaying a normally straight head/neck alignment.

Image of a baby girl suffers from Torticollis.

Researchers believe that some babies may develop torticollis in the womb due to an awkward or cramped fetal position. This abnormal position causes the sternocleidomastoid muscle on one side of the neck to grow tighter and shorter than the one on the other side, pulling the head accordingly.

Babies can acquire torticollis if their cervical spinal vertebrae get pushed out of alignment during birth. Your baby can even get torticollis from sleeping in one position too much of the time.

Torticollis can display more symptoms than just a crooked head angle. Watch for these other telltale signs:

  • Inability to tilt or turn the head easily.
  • A soft bump on the tightened neck muscle.
  • Difficulty finding a good position for breastfeeding.
  • Sleeping problems or daytime fussiness due to neck discomfort.
  • A tendency for your baby to look at people or objects at an oblique angle instead of focusing on them directly.

The Importance of Early Intervention for Infant Torticollis

Mother taking care of her baby who suffers from Torticollis while lying on the bed.

Infant torticollis calls for prompt diagnosis and early intervention. A child with untreated torticollis may have trouble developing physical coordination and other key skills. Your baby may even suffer from long-term facial asymmetry, abnormal posture, or chronic pain. 

A chiropractic evaluation can identify the problem as early in life as possible. Your pediatric chiropractor can then make a series of adjustments to address the problem right away. Ongoing exams and adjustments can ensure that the condition remains in check.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Infant Torticollis

Although some pediatricians recommend physical rehabilitation for kids with torticollis, this approach can prove a little too aggressive for smaller, younger necks. If you'd prefer a gentler, safer option for your little one, consider pediatric chiropractic adjustments instead.

A chiropractic adjustment involves the application of small amounts of targeted force to the specific joint or joints that may need straightening out. Once the cervical spine has found its correct alignment, tight muscles in the neck can loosen and relax. The benefits of chiropractic care for torticollis includes:

Baby receives a pediatric chiropractic care from a doctor.
  • Non-invasiveness: Chiropractic treatment can realign your baby's head and neck without surgery.
  • Drug-free relief: Chiropractic care can ease pain, sleeplessness, and/or fussiness caused by torticollis without the use of medications.
  • Easier breastfeeding: A more normal head angle can permit easier, more productive feedings.
  • A healthier future: A more normal cervical spinal alignment in infancy can facilitate more normal growth and development throughout childhood.

Chiropractic care for torticollis in infants can take a few different forms. In addition to cervical spinal adjustments to correct the neck vertebrae's positions, your chiropractor may use a technique called craniosacral therapy to alter the angle of the skull relative to the cervical spine. Massage therapy and gentle stretches can then help the soft tissues settle into their "new normal."

Schedule Your Child's Chiropractic Torticollis Treatment Today

Remember, early intervention can help prevent further complications from a case of torticollis. Pediatric chiropractic adjustments can correct your child's head and neck position gently, safely, and effectively. If you need to schedule chiropractic care for infant torticollis in The Woodlands, contact Core Health Spine & Rehabilitation today.

Dr. Donald Thigpen, D.C.
Dr. Donald Thigpen is a graduate of Texas Chiropractic College and has been a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic since 2004. He specializes in non-surgical treatment of conditions related to the neck, back, and musculoskeletal system and also in natural medicine for overall health and wellness.
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